
This blog is all about E -Marketing within the tourism and events industry·

Friday, October 24, 2014

Week 2 -Viral Marketing, who might use it?

In this week's lecture we discussed the concept and importance of viral marketing. Viral marketing can be defined as a marketing message that can be communicated from one person to another, facilitated by different media, such as word of mouth, e-mail or websites. It also implies that rapid transmission of messages is intended. (Chaffey et al, 2009)

One of the most popular and recognisable forms of viral marketing that you and I use is YouTube.

YouTube is very successful viral marketing scheme. We discuss videos we see with our friends and tell them to watch.  These videos rack up millions of hits, and so it is no surprise that television adverts are becoming less popular, and more companies are using YouTube are to advertise rather than in our five minute breaks between programmes (Lieberman, 2014)

There are two main forms of online viral marketing, and these are through passalong-e-mails or discussions within social networks. Virgin can use passalong-e-mails that they send to all of their existing customers as they will have left their contact details when purchasing through Virgin. Virgin can promote new offers and deals with links and attachments within the email. Virgin can also use social network-related viral marketing as a way of interacting with users, whilst promoting their brand. This can be done by buying advertising space, creating a brand space or brand channels that can allow customers to interact with Virgin.

Chaffey et al, 2009, Internet Marketing: Strategy, Implementation and Practise, 4th Edition, Prentice Hall.


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