
This blog is all about E -Marketing within the tourism and events industry·

Monday, November 17, 2014

Week 5- Online Culture

In this weeks lectured we talked about online culture.

Social media is everywhere, and the average users spends around 17 minutes per day browsing through Facebook. (Matthew Champion, 2014,
The topic of search engine optimisation was brought up, and we discussed how Google has changed their algorithms, and has invested more into social media. To go into further detail, Chaffey et al (2009) explores the use of search engines regarding the online market place. These are customer segments; online media consumption, buyer behaviour and the type of content and experiences that searchers are looking for, search intermediaries; main search engines in each country, intermediaries and media sites (explained below), and destination sites; the sites that the marketer is trying to provide visitors to.

Zarrella (2009) shows that there are many different forms of social media, and these come as blogs, microblogs (e.g. Twitter), social networks (Facebook, LinkedIn), media-sharing sites (Youtube, Flickr), social bookmarking and voting sites (Digg, Reddit), review sites (Yelp), forums, and virtual worlds (Second Life). Many companies (search as Virgin) can then infiltrate these popular sites through advertisements to gain customers, seeing as the popularity of social media websites is growing through the generations.


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