
This blog is all about E -Marketing within the tourism and events industry·

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Week 6 - What have Google been up to?

Google might not be so friendly and innocent as you think...

As a company, you do not want to be in Google's bad books. If you have done something out of line, such as tried to manipulate and change the search algorithms. For example, Google penalised the company Interflora, because they paid newspapers to publish adverts that contained links to the website. The action Google took was to completely remove the company from its searches, and not only that, Google also punished the newspapers such as The Boarder Telegraph and The Independent by lowering their page ranks (Baldwin 2013).

The two algorithms that Google use are Panda and Penguin.

Google Panda is designed to penalise the ranking of sites with a poor user experience, like those who have many adverts and games pop up as soon as you enter the site, and to reward those with sites with a friendly user experience with improved rankings. The Penguin punishes companies that purchase links from websites that contain links to other websites, like one huge loop, to try and increase the search engine ranking. (Kyle O'Donnell, 2013)


Caroline BaldwinMonday 25 February 2013, Google penalises Interflora and UK newspapers for failing to comply with SEO regulations, (online)

   Friday, July 26, 2013, Google Penguin & Panda: A Simple Explanation, (online)

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