
This blog is all about E -Marketing within the tourism and events industry·

Sunday, December 7, 2014


Throughout my time using this blog I have learnt many things. One of the first with E-marketing is making sure that you provide the most up-to-date resources that you can find. This is shown in the Apple Pay and Virgin Money posts, where keeping up with news is essential for information.
I found that early on into my blog, I was not naturally receiving many page views, and so I posted my blog out onto social media and this drastically improved the situation. This could be shown as an example of online culture, as I am technically 'advertising' out to those who I am friends with on Facebook and those who follow me on Twitter. At first I did not understand the importance of E-marketing, but now I realise that in today's society it is essential for the success of a company, as this is the generation of technology.

I have found that in conjunction with providing up-to-date news, it is also important to provide theory to explain the content of what you are talking about. For instance, In the mobile marketing post, I referenced some important authors such as Rowles 2014, as well as showing some statics of how mobile marketing actually effects the consumer. This shows the reader that I am capable of keeping my posts current as well as factually informative. If I could improve this post, I would go into more defined detail about mobile marketing in today's society, and the future that mobile marketing holds.

Overall, I have learnt that using an example, such as the Virgin group, is important to keep regular page visitors interested in my blog, as well as backing up and research materials with theory. It is important to show a general knowledge of the subject, as well as show a keen interest in what is changing in the world of E-marketing. If I were to improve my blog, I would make posts more current with what is changing day to day by researching more online news sources, and use more links similar to the links I use that are to the Virgin blog and the Virgin group website.

Virgin to join scheme of online and mobile payments

In this weeks news,Virgin Money are teaming up with Monetise to develop the banks mobile and online payment products. (Moore 2014)

Virgin Money CEO Jayne-Anne Gadhia. says “We are excited to be extending our quest for smarter, brighter and better banking solutions with a partner that shares our ambition to bring unique, intuitive and valuable service features to our customers".

This may not be considered to change the face of the company, and as branch networks still matter in banking, mobile banking may completely take over in coming years. (Stephens 2014).

More than 1.6 billion payments were completed using a smartphone or tablet this year according to a study by Juniper Research. First it was Apple Pay, and now Virgin Money, who will be next to follow?


Michael Moore, 5 December 2014, Virgin Money Signs Up Monitise For Mobile And Online Payments, (online)

Peter Stephens, 5 December 2014, Is Monitise Plc’s Partnership With Virgin Money Holdings (UK) PLC A Game Changer?, (online)

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Week 6 - What have Google been up to?

Google might not be so friendly and innocent as you think...

As a company, you do not want to be in Google's bad books. If you have done something out of line, such as tried to manipulate and change the search algorithms. For example, Google penalised the company Interflora, because they paid newspapers to publish adverts that contained links to the website. The action Google took was to completely remove the company from its searches, and not only that, Google also punished the newspapers such as The Boarder Telegraph and The Independent by lowering their page ranks (Baldwin 2013).

The two algorithms that Google use are Panda and Penguin.

Google Panda is designed to penalise the ranking of sites with a poor user experience, like those who have many adverts and games pop up as soon as you enter the site, and to reward those with sites with a friendly user experience with improved rankings. The Penguin punishes companies that purchase links from websites that contain links to other websites, like one huge loop, to try and increase the search engine ranking. (Kyle O'Donnell, 2013)


Caroline BaldwinMonday 25 February 2013, Google penalises Interflora and UK newspapers for failing to comply with SEO regulations, (online)

   Friday, July 26, 2013, Google Penguin & Panda: A Simple Explanation, (online)